Sunday, 15 January 2012

Three Backyard Landscaping Ideas Even a Novice Landscaper Can Implement

Getting the look of a beautiful backyard can be a challenge to even the most gifted gardener. However, there are several techniques that you can use that will give your yard a look of splendor with little effort. If none are popping into your mind, don't worry. Here you will find some of the more commonly overlooked ways to make your backyard interesting and inviting.

One of the best ways to shape and mold any backyard is to incorporate the use of deciduous trees into your
backyard landscaping ideas. They will instantly increase the natural beauty of your yard and their hardiness allows them to hold their color in even the coldest regions of the country. Evergreens are another great plant to bring into the scheme. These spectacular trees can easily grow into a wonderful wall of lushness. Their inviting tone will inspire a feeling of welcoming to any yard. And these trees look great throughout every season.

Having a sense of togetherness and fullness in your yard is key to maintaining that overall look of lavishness. Both the evergreens and deciduous trees will accomplish this. There are many other types of trees and shrubs that you can add to your backyard landscaping ideas that will stay green as well. Check with a
landscape professional, or go to your local nursery. Any of these people will be able to advise you as to which trees will work best in your area.

In the southern states, palm trees can be placed in such a way as to provide privacy and beauty. Arborvitae, in the northern regions look magnificent when they fill in. And both of these trees require little to no maintenance. Remember too, that flowering trees and bushes will stand out beautifully against these backdrops if positioned properly. Make sure you know the maximum height and width your plants will naturally grow to, and do not plant them too close together.

Hardscaping, using rocks and other non-living elements, is another great backyard landscaping idea. Natural rock walls can be found in many yards in the north, and even manufactured rock can be placed strategically in southern gardens. By placing an arbor or trellis with beautiful flowering vines in between the deciduous plants, you can create a whole new sensation and purpose to a row of hedges. Adding these simple touches to your yard will maintain its appeal and will keep your eyes from getting bored.

The use of fences is another great way to break up the boredom of some
backyards. A fence separating a row of hedges and non flowering plants can prevent the plants from getting lost in the greenery behind it. Fences, rocks and walls should never be left out of backyard landscaping ideas. These engaging elements add dimension and diversity to almost any yard. And once installed, the only work they become is a work of art.

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